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Burton Digital Pack


AUD RRP $123.75
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A digital value pack, containing:

  • Psychology, 6th Edition Wiley E-Text
  • iStudy with CyberPsych
  • An Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology, 5th Edition Wiley E-Text
Burton Print Pack


AUD RRP $191.95
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A print value pack, containing:

  • Psychology, 6th Edition Textbook
  • Psychology, 6th Edition Interactive E-Text
  • iStudy with CyberPsych
  • An Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology, 5th Edition

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Psychology, 6th Australian and New Zealand Edition

, ,

ISBN: 9780730396642

The new sixth edition of the Burton Psychology is the gold standard ANZ resource on the market. After comprehensive consultation and research, the new edition has been reduced in size by 19%, and refreshed to include cross-cultural psychology throughout the book. The text has also been reorganised to place new chapters on Indigenous Psychology and Māori Psychology front and centre, and includes a new instructor support package on how to teach Indigenous Psychology.

The textbook is supported by a wide range of digital student resources, such as practitioner interview videos and new self-study interactive learning modules that follow the instructional design concept of Tell me, Show me, Let me do it will engage the learner in immersive content.

This book is being used at:

Australian Catholic University, Australian National University, Central Queensland University, Charles Darwin University, Charles Sturt University, Flinders University, Griffith University, Lincoln University, Monash University, Murdoch University, Queensland University of Technology, University of Auckland, University of Newcastle, University of New England, University of Notre Dame, University of South Australia, University of Southern Queensland, University of Wollongong, University of Waikato, Western Sydney University

Lorelle Burton

Drew Westen

Robin Kowalski

Chapter 1. Psychology: the study of mental processes and behaviour
Chapter 2. Cross-cultural psychology
Chapter 3. Indigenous psychology in Australia
Chapter 4. Māori and psychology: Indigenous psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand
Chapter 5. Research methods in psychology
Chapter 6. Biological bases of mental life and behaviour
Chapter 7. Sensation and perception
Chapter 8. Consciousness
Chapter 9. Learning
Chapter 10. Memory
Chapter 11. Thought and language
Chapter 12. Intelligence
Chapter 13. Motivation and emotion
Chapter 14. Personality
Chapter 15. Physical and cognitive development
Chapter 16. Social development
Chapter 17. Health, stress and coping
Chapter 18. Psychological disorders
Chapter 19. Treatments of psychological disorders
Chapter 20. Attitudes and social cognition
Chapter 21. Interpersonal processes
Statistical probabilities in psychological research (online chapter)
As part of Wiley’s ongoing commitment to higher education, the Wiley Affordability Program is dedicated to providing you with premium Wiley learning resources at an affordable price. We believe that every student has a right to access quality resources, no matter what your budget. Now, we are even better equipped than before to do what we do best; help teachers teach and students learn.
Interactive E-Text: 9780730396659
Textbook with Interactive E-Text Code: 9780730396642
Burton Print Value Pack: 9781394176625
Burton Digital Value Pack: 9781394176632

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